Saturday, November 17, 2012

1, 2, 3, 4... I Declare A Prank War!

If you have read my 'About Me' section, you know I am a Work Study in the Financial Aid Office here at Albertus. Honestly, it's a pretty awesome job: the work is interesting and the women in the office are fantastic - I enjoying going in to work every day.

It is because I love my job and the women in my office so much that I have declared a Prank War with my co-worker/supervisor, Christina!

So far the score is 3-1, me. I have done some pretty fancy pranks (if I do say so myself). Here are the following pranks I have done:

Peter, Paul & Perry, Christina's stressball people that
I kidnapped... and taped upside down!
  • Placed a mini-sticky note under her mouse (covering the lazer) so that when she tried to use the mouse it would not work!
  • Turned everything in her office upside down! (pictures, calendar, mouse... etc).
  • Kidnapped her stress-ball people (Peter, Paul & Perry) and left ransom notes so she had to go on a scavenger hunt to find them around the office!
It is so much fun. Christina is a good sport and pranks me back, it is all in good-humor and sometimes everyone in the office joins in!

The only problem is... I am running out of prank ideas! Do you have any prank suggestions I could use on Christina?

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